The Houseplants That Could Poison Your Cat
It’s extremely important to select plants that are safe for your pets. In this article, we’ll focus on which plants are toxic and which are safe for cats.
Mental Health and Suicide Awareness in the Veterinary Profession
Please note that this month’s topic is a delicate one and a difficult one to write about, but nonetheless important. I felt it was necessary to bring the information to light in the small venue that is this Blog.
What Happens During a Pet's Dental Procedure?
If you’ve decided to schedule a pet dentistry appointment for your pet, you’ve taken a big step toward safeguarding their health and happiness. This article will help you prepare for your pet’s dental appointment so you know what to expect.
How to Choose Safe Pet Toys for Your Cat or Dog
Pet toys are supposed to be fun, not dangerous. Unfortunately, pet toys (even those found in pet stores) can be dangerous for pets. Read on to learn what to avoid and what to look for in a safe pet toy.
Are There Different Types of Veterinarians?
When you adopt a pet, it’s important to consider the veterinary care your new animal will need and the type of veterinarian that can provide it. There are several types of veterinarians with different training and credentials.