Beware of Puppy Mills: Responsible Pet Ownership Begins with Adoption
As a responsible pet owner, the first choice you should make is to ensure you acquire your new puppy responsibly. Puppy mills are exactly what they sound like — large, for-profit facilities designed to produce as many puppies as possible.
Service, Working, and Therapy Dogs: What's the Difference?
We mostly view our dogs as loyal companions, but they can be so much more! With the right training, dogs are smart enough to be helpers, life-savers, and uplifters. These types of special dogs have different designations — service, working, or therapy — depending on the jobs they have been trained to do.
One Health Initiative Unites Human & Veterinary Medicine for a Healthier World
As our population increases, humans continue to encroach on wildlands and animals, resulting in the sharing of infectious organisms. As a consequence, the world has experienced an increase in new diseases, which is not only affecting individual people, but also livestock, pets, and the economies of the world.
Why Do Ticks Suck So Bad?
Ticks are a growing concern in the United States. Changing migration patterns, climate patterns, deforestation, and warmer winters are leading to more ticks in wider spread areas and are making them a year-round pest in most of the country. These parasites that can be as small as poppy seeds will attach to mammals and feed off of their blood.
How to Be a Responsible Pet Owner: 5 Must-Dos
Adopting a pet is mostly about cuddles, wet noses, fuzzies, and love, but there is actually more to responsible pet ownership than friendship. When you adopt your pet, you’re making a commitment to provide all the care they need for the entirety of their lives.