Health Insurance Company Comparison Tool
PawlicyAdvisor helps you compare top providers side-by-side.
The Pawlicy website will ask for specifics about your pet (age/breed, etc) and then give a recommendation based on your answers.
With personalized recommendations, you can find the best pet insurance for YOUR cat or dog in minutes!

The following are links to the companies that we have received the most positive feedback about, so please make sure to give us your feedback next time we see you!
PetPlan Insurance
10% discount and $25 VISA gift card because Sleepy Hollow Animal Hospital is AAHA certified (use code AAHA)
10% discount for clients of Sleepy Hollow Animal Hospital
Very highly rated on petinsurancereview.com, lots of happy clients here
**Please note: the above listed companies are provided for your convenience and do not represent endorsement by us. We try to keep this list of preferred companies current, so your feedback is very important!